On August 21-25 this year. Poznań University of Technology organized a visit to nuclear facilities in Japan.

On August 28-31, the 2nd French-Polish Chemistry Congress took place in Montpellier (France), co-organized by the Poznań University of Technology.

A photovoltaic power plant and the necessary accompanying infrastructure - a transformer station and a MV line - are being built on the Kąkolewo Campus.

On August 18-24, the Poznan 2023 World Boccia Challenger world competition in sports for people with disabilities was held at the sports facilities of the…

The Poznan University of Technology ranked 8th among Polish universities and 4th among technical universities in the latest Webometrics ranking.

On Saturday, August 19 at At 14:00 there will be a ceremonial opening of the tournament with the performance of the Folk Dance Group "Poligrodzianie"

The inaugural concert of the 16th Folk Art Festival took place on 10th of August

Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda, prof. Anastase SHYAKA visited Poznan University of Technology

The FME project financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange is already halfway through, and the effects of the project are visible on Google…

Prof. Jacek Błażewicz was nominated as a member of Academia Europaea