"Remember, you are not alone!"

Respected Academic Community of the Poznan University of Technology, Employees, PhD students and Ukrainian students of the Poznan University of Technology,

We are observing the events taking place beyond the eastern border, on the territory of Ukraine, with great concern and disbelief. There is no consensus on what we have witnessed since yesterday morning. The word “war” is on everyone's lips, although we would like it to function only in history books.

On behalf of the entire community of the Poznan University of Technology, I wish to express our full solidarity with the Ukrainian nation. I also assure you that, as a University, we will do everything in our power to support Ukrainian students, doctoral students and employees, to whom I address the following words:

"Remember, you are not alone!"

Ladies and gentlemen,

In solidarity with the people most affected by the armed conflict, we have decided to establish a special support group for students and employees from Ukraine within the Psychological Assistance Center of the Poznań University of Technology. The group will organize online meetings on Thursdays at 5.00 p.m. Detailed information on this subject will be published on the website and on social media of the Poznań University of Technology. It will be operating from March 1, 2022. Individual psychological consultations will also be available.

I would like to emphasize that the University will approach with due understanding and kindness matters related to studies and the living situation (including financial support - allowances, reduction of tuition fees, accommodation in dormitories) of Ukrainian students.

Students from Ukraine may apply for an emergency allowance (in accordance with the Regulations on granting benefits for students of the Poznań University of Technology § 1, points 5 and 6). We also offer accommodation in dormitories for family members of our students, doctoral students and employees, as well as students leaving Ukrainian universities due to hostilities.

In close cooperation with the Department of City Development and International Cooperation of the Poznan City Hall, we are organizing a legal aid point that will operate at our University. Detailed information will be published soon on the university website. At the same time, I would like to inform you that the City of Poznan is creating a database of volunteers who want to support our Ukrainian friends. Persons willing to be involved and work as translators or provide support for refugees, please contact us at: wolontariat@um.poznan.pl.

On the other hand, persons speaking Ukrainian, English or Russian who would like to support the hotline under Poznań KONTAKT as a consultant, please contact us at: pk@um.poznan.pl.

Our hearts are blue and yellow today.


