Scientists from the Poznan University of Technology are the Ambassadors of the Polish Congresses

The presentation of the Ambassador of Polish Congress statuettes for the years 2020-2021 took place in Gdynia, after a two-year break caused by the pandemic. This honourable title was awarded to two employees from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Transport of the Poznan University of Technology: prof. Mieczysław Kuczma (title awarded in 2020) and prof. Agnieszka Merkisz-Guranowska (title awarded in 2021). The event was co-organized by the city of Gdynia, the Polish Tourist Organization and the nongovernmental Polish Conference and Congress Association.

The Polish Congress Ambassadors Programme serves to diligently promote Poland as a host destination for meetings and conferences. Similar programs are successfully run in many countries around the world as a national marketing tool. During the gala, the title of the Ambassador of Polish Congress is awarded. The Polish Congress Ambassador title is awarded to professionals using their activity in international associations to promote Poland as a host destination for meetings and conferences. 
So far, this title has been awarded to 300 individuals. A group of outstanding personalities from the Polish world of science, economy, and culture participated in the work of the jury.


More information and a photo gallery from the event HERE.

prof. Merkisz

Foto: Politechnika Poznańska 

prof. Kuczma

Foto: Politechnika Poznańska

prof. Kuczma

Foto: UM Gdynia M. Dietrich

