On October 7, 2021, the Rector of the Poznan University of Technology, prof. Teofil Jesionowski and Loxone Electronics GmbH signed a cooperation agreement.

It was agreed that the cooperation will include activities in the field of:

  • research in the field of control systems for technological installations and their impact on the energy efficiency,
  • research in the field of control systems and their integration with building automation systems and building management,
  • research in the field of devices manufactured by Loxone, mutual presentation and promotion of achievements,
  • cooperation regarding the employment of graduates,
  • using the potential of Loxone in the implementation of the teaching process,
  • using the potential of Loxone for scientific and research works carried out by the Poznan University of Technology.

Joint cooperation will allow both parties to improve their competencies and gain new knowledge and experience in the preparation of highly qualified specialists in the field of the smart home.

The Loxone company is a renowned and well-known manufacturer of smart home systems. Currently, Loxone has several years of experience and intensive development behind it. Its employees inspire experts open to innovation. One of the most desirable changes is to find the way the building is controlled in order to minimize electricity consumption and manage the energy produced in home photovoltaic installations without the need for user intervention. The intensive development of Loxone is also visible on the Polish market. This creates wide opportunities for employment and development for graduates of the Poznan University of Technology.

As part of the cooperation, Loxone supported students interested in the subject of smart home associated with the Electronus Science Club, operating at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Energy. In addition, Loxone invited the Faculty's employees involved in cooperation with the company for training and provided materials that will be used in the didactic process.


