Increase in the number of citations! Poznan University of Technology is in 2nd place!

The November issue of the monthly "Forum Akademickie" (11/2023) presents an analysis of the publication achievements of individual universities, prepared by prof. Wit Grzesik (Wit Grzesik, New University Ranking - Achievements in citation for 2022).

The comparison of the universities' achievements was based on the World's TOP 2% Scientists 2022 list, prepared by Stanford University in cooperation with Elsevier (featured scientists from Poznan University of Technology: 47 scientists from Poznan University of Technology among the best in the world | Poznan University of Technology (

In the ranking of the number of citations of scientists included in the "TOP 2% in 2022" for Polish technical universities, the Poznan University of Technology was in second place (just behind the leader of the ranking, which is the Gdansk University of Technology).

This is a significant increase in the number of citations compared to last year's ranking in the group of technical universities in 2021, in which the Poznan University of Technology took 5th place (list presented in the monthly Mechanik No. 11/2023: Wit Grzesik, New ranking of high technical universities in 2022 based on the world's citation ranking).


Forum Akademickie - portal of the academic and scientific community
New university ranking – Forum Akademickie - portal of the academic and scientific community

2023_11_s0008.pdf (
