Rector of the Poznan University of Technology, prof. Teofil Jesionowski, appointed prof. Łukasz Klapiszewski for the Leader of the Innovative 3W Center.

At noon on May 18. Students from the PUT Rocketlab science club presented their latest achievement - the HEXA 4 rocket.

Representatives of the Poznan University of Technology taking part in an event promoting future solutions for European Universities, organized at the…

The statuettes were received by Prof. Agnieszka Merkisz-Guranowska and prof. Mieczyslaw Kuczma.

CUWR 2023 ranks Poznan University of Technology among 7.4% of the best universities and scientific institutions.

The Student Constructions Competition is a nationwide project implemented by the Independent Students' Association.

The Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity responds to transforming social and technological needs.

The 5th International Meeting of Universia Rectors gathered 700 rectors from 14 countries, representing 14 million students from Europe, the United States and…

Poznan University of Technology is a laureate in the competition "European Universities - Alliances of the Future" in the category of cooperation…