41st Conference of Rectors of European Universities of Technology

The 41st Conference of Rectors of European Technical Universities is underway - Technological University Dublin, Ireland.


The Poznan University of Technology is represented by:  Rector of the Poznan University of Technology, prof. Teofil Jesionowski and prof. Wojciech Sumelka - Vice-Rector for Science.


During this year's conference, issues such as: technological, social and human dimensions of digital transformation, mission of universities in shaping human-centred digitalization, change management in digital transformation, sustainable strategies for implementing digital transformation, digitalization in research, education and lifelong learning, digital impulse for cooperation between universities and industry, digitization of institutional management.


The primary goals of the conference are to provide an open forum for discussing topics of common interest that are not discussed in other forums, identifying differences and similarities in existing solutions to problems, and developing new ideas and preparing recommendations on specific topics.


There are plans to create a "team of advisors" for the future development of technical universities in Europe.
