70th anniversary of the Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering

On September 30, 2023, the Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering celebrated its 70th anniversary.

The ceremonial celebrations gathered in Aula Magna included university authorities, employees and former faculty members, doctoral students, students, representatives of companies and all supporters of the Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering.

The guests were welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty - prof. Jacek Pielecha, Rector, prof. Teofil Jesionowski.

During the Jubilee, the history of the faculty was presented by prof. Marek Idzior and prof. Józef Jasiczak - former Deans.

After the break, the invited special guests delivered the speeches: prof. Zbigniew Pilarczyk, from Adam Mickiewicz University "Where is the city centre in Poznan?", faculty graduates: Waldemar Pernak, Hubert Maciejewski and Bartłomiej Słowik "Design and construction of the new Henryk Arctowski Antarctic Station".
Maciej Andrzejewski from H. Cegielski Fabryka Pojazdów and Seweryn Woś and Michał Kłobus from Eiffage presented their career paths.

During the event, it was possible to meet and talk to exhibitors, including: Tascoprojekt S.A., Koleje Wielkopolskie, CX80 Polska, Pekabex Pref S.A., AMS, Royal Enfield, Preston Group, Kleenoil, Warbud S.A., John Deere or with the Wielkopolska Chamber of Construction.

The Lecture Centre also featured Student Scientific Clubs associated with the Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering - PUTMotorsport, PUTRocketlab, PUTrain and PutRenovation,
In front of the Lecture Centre building, guests could admire an exhibition of historic cars and motorcycles, modern agricultural tractors and road surface testing vehicles.

We would like to thank all the guests and visitors involved in the preparations for the 70th anniversary of the Faculty.

Please see the PHOTO GALLERY from this event.


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