The Alliance Games will be hosted at Poznan University of Technology and are an integral part of the EUNICE Weeks, which have been organized at all EUNICE European University partner universities since 2021. Alliance Games is a sport tournament between students from all partner universities from the EUNICE Alliance.

This year's Alliance Games traditionally will include volleyball tournament held at the Sports Center Hall of the Poznan University of Technology, under the supervision of the Center's Director, Robert Rejewski, MA. The tournament is scheduled to take place from October 23rd to October 25th, 2023, with matches being held daily to determine the winner. Last year, team from the University of Catania secured this honorable title after an intense competition. 
Each university in the EUNICE Alliance will have six players with the option for 2 to 6 substitutes. The games will be in mixed teams, and it's sure to be thrilling, just like last year.

This event is organized as part of Work Package 3 (WP3) and is led by the Director of the Center for Languages and Communication  dr. Liliana Szczuka-Dorna, PUT prof. 

The PP Sports Center, along with the support of the European University Department, is actively involved in the organization of this event.
We'd love to have you at the Sports Center, where you can cheer on our PUT players as well as the courageous participants from the six partner universities of the EUNICE consortium, including teams from Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Finland.

Mark Your Calendar: October 23rd to 25th, 2023

You can find the programme and games shcedule at the following link. 

The chess tournament will be held entirely online. Our partner university, UMONS, is organizing a virtual chess tournament with support from the Belgian Chess Federation, and they'll be broadcasting the final games online.
Each EUNICE project university will have ten players, including students and, something new this year, administrative staff. 

We'll provide more details soon.

