C-IDEA Best Team of Year in 2020 for architecture students

Students from Faculty of Architecture PUT in teams:

Michał Wanat / Wiktoria Waszczuk - Poznan’s Green Cultural Hub

Patrycja Skawicka / Piotr Skorupiński - Between the Riversides

Wiktoria Zalewska / Bernard Dorosz - Forrest Art Gallery

were awarded as a "Best Team of the year" in the C-IDEA international competition (https://cidea-union.com/winners2020/).

Projects were made under the supervision Xia Wei., during the Landscape Architecture lessons. Awarded projects will be part of exhibition "Poznan Design Festival" in September.

C-IDEA Design Award took place in South Korea in July 2021 r.

Dorosz Bernard_Task 10_Poster




Wanat Michał_Zadanie 10Wanat Michał_Zadanie 10

