CESAER annual meeting of technical universities

How cities and regions are evolving and how universities of technology can and should respond to these changes. These are the main topics of the CESAER Annual Meeting - the annual meeting of the CESAER organization associating European technical universities. The host of the meeting was the Technical University of Dresden. The Poznan University of Technology was represented by: prof. Paweł Śniatała, Vice-Rector for International Relations, acting as a Delegate, and Joanna Buszkiewicz, PUT Senior Research Projects Specialist, who administers cooperation with CESAER.

The event program included the conference "Regional visions for global challenges in digital transformation" and workshops for representatives of member universities "Leadership at universities of S&T in transforming societies". The main point of the agenda was the General Assembly - a meeting of the Delegates of all CESAER member universities, during which matters concerning the functioning of the organization were discussed and voted on.

One of those invited to participate in the panel was prof. Paweł Śniatała. Professor also summarized the discussion.

The event was preceded by five online workshops organized by working groups (Task Force) operating within CESAER, during which topics such as funding of European Universities, research data and intellectual property law, support for scientific career development or presentation of ranking data as part of the Annual Member Monitor were discussed.

More information about the event can be found HERE (link to CESAER extranet - registration required).

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