On March 31, 2023, a ceremonial gala was held at the Poznan University of Technology on the occasion of the jubilee of the "Time for Professionals – it has been 10 years" project.

The event was organized by the Marshal's Office of the Wielkopolska Region in partnership with the Poznan University of Technology. At the ceremony, speeches were given by Paulina Stochniałek - Member of the Board of the Wielkopolska Region and prof. Teofil Jesionowski - Rector of the Poznan University of Technology. The jubilee was hosted by Dorota Kinal - Director of the Department of Education and Science of the Marshal's Office of the Wielkopolska Region. The meeting was an excellent opportunity to summarize the achievements.

Among the guests were directors of the Marshal’s Office departments, regional authorities, representatives of universities, representatives of the Education and Science Committee, councillors of the Education and Science Committee, directors of Wielkopolska Local Government Center for Vocational and Continuing Education, representatives of the Department for Implementation of the European Social Fund, school principals, teachers, representatives companies.

We are proud to see the achievements of the project, but we do not stop appreciating the support we get from our partners. Thank you for your hard work and commitment to our common mission. During the ceremonial gala, thanks were given to the directors of the most active schools from Wielkopolska, participating in the project, and to the representatives of the most active enterprises cooperating in the project.

The jubilee was honoured by the artistic performance of Dorota Freiteag – a painter. While painting with the pouring technique, the viewers had the opportunity to see an original work of art being created before their very eyes. During the entire performance, the artist explained the principles of painting with the pouring technique, what materials are needed to make such a painting and what effects can be obtained thanks to various techniques.

The performance of the choir "Volantes Soni" conducted by Paweł Łuczak was an unforgettable culmination of the 10th anniversary of "Time of Professionals".

To sum up, the jubilee event was a time of reflection, but also joy and satisfaction with the achievements. It was a great opportunity to focus attention on the values that guided the "Time for Professionals" project over the years, as well as to remind ourselves how important are the people who contributed to its success.

The gallery from the event can be found HERE.


