Delegation of the Embassy of Rwanda in Warsaw at PUT

On the 28th of April 2022, Poznan University of Technology had a pleasure to host a visit of the representation of the newly opened Embassy of Rwanda in Warsaw. The initiative to establish the Embassy was completed in October 2021 as a response to the increasing number of Rwandan citizens arriving to Poland, mostly in order to start, or to continue their higher education. Until now, their issues were attended by the Embassy in Berlin.
The First Secretary, Mr. Herbert Ndahiro was accompanied by the chairman of the Rwandan Community in Poland (RCA-Poland), Mr. Allan Nyombayire. It was an honor to hold the meeting, which started as a Rwandan initiative. We perceive it as a proof of recognition of the growing interest in the study programmes offered by PUT.
The visit focused on the problems the Rwandan students have in terms of fulfilling the entry requirements for admission and how the Embassy can support them. Specific requirements for Rwandan candidates are available at International Relations Office:

Currently, being one of the fastest developing countries in the African continent, Rwanda is expected to join the category of ‘developing country’ as one of the first among it’s neighbours in the nearest future.
