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Doctorate Honoris Causa of prof. Bogusław Buszewski

"The Academic Senate of the Poznan University of Technology, appreciating the scientific, teaching and organizational achievements of prof. Bogusław Buszewski, a member of The Polish Academy of Sciences and the broadly understood cooperation with our university decided to award this outstanding representative of the world of science with the title of DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA OF THE POZNAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY."

On May 22, 2024, prof. Bogusław Buszewski - a specialist in chemical sciences, joined the group of people to whom the Poznan University of Technology awarded the honorary title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Poznan University of Technology. This is the 44th title awarded by our university during its over 100-year history.

The reviewers of the Honorary Doctorate were: prof. Małgorzata Iwona Szynkowska-Jóźwik from the Lodz University of Technology, prof. Izabela Nowak from the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan and prof. Piotr Stepnowski, member of the Polish Academy of Sciences from the University of Gdańsk. 

"Dear Professor, Distinguished Doctor Honoris Causa, on behalf of the Academic Community of the Poznan University of Technology and myself, I wish you steadfast health, happiness and fruitful activities to build a better world, in accordance with what Nicolaus Copernicus said - The thoughts of a scientist are independent of the general judgment - because the pursuit scientist, as far as God allows human reason, is to look for the truth in everything" said Prof. JMR of the Poznan University of Technology. Teofil Jesionowski.


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Prof. Bogusław Buszewski, Polish Academy of Science - profile
