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Erasmus Day at Poznan University of Technology

What is the Erasmus+ project? How can I go to a foreign partner university? Where can you go? What are your impressions after participating in the program? We were able to answer these and many other questions during Erasmus Day, which took place on December 6, 2023.

The International Relations Office, together with the help of faculty coordinators, students who returned from Erasmus, the ESN Poznan and EUNICE groups and the Erasmus+ InnHUB representative, provided information on mobility related to the Erasmus+ program. Event participants had the opportunity to ask questions and dispel doubts related to participation in the mobility exchange.

From December 5, the Lecture Centre will host an exhibition of photos by students and PUT employees entitled "Erasmus memories". The exhibition is available for viewing until December 20, 2023.

We would like to thank all participants for their participation in the event and wish them unforgettable memories related to the Erasmus+ program. Once Erasmus always Erasmus!

Team of the International Relations Office of the Poznan University of Technology

Photo: Marcin Witkowski
