EUNICE Weeks are cultural and sporting events promoting European culture within the EUNICE European University. The initiative has been implemented by EUNICE European University for the past three years and aims to raise awareness among students and the wider university community of its European identity by highlighting the richness and diversity of European culture and promoting European values of multilingualism, interculturalism and integration. The activities also aim to enable students to acquire global and intercultural skills useful in the labour market, for example by giving them the opportunity to get to know local companies and socio-cultural actors.

EUNICE weeks include events organised by each institution in turn: conferences on European and global issues, events to promote student and staff mobility, cultural activities and sports tournaments.

The Alliance Games, a volleyball competition among students of EUNICE partner universities, that took place at Poznan University of Technology, officially launched the EUNICE Weeks events. In the following weeks, we will have the opportunity to take part in remotely hosted events, including a meeting on studying/working remotely and the associated challenges, a concert, virtual visits to our partners' museums and an online chess tournament, which will also involve students and staff from Poznan University of Technology. The nearest event will already take place on 7 November at 5 pm.

We encourage you to read the detailed programme below.


More information and the possibility to sign up for the events can also be found at.
