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Forum of Technical Universities at PUT

On February 29 - March 3, representatives of student governments met on the Warta Campus of the Poznan University of Technology during the 1st meeting of the Forum of Technical Universities in the 2024 term. The turnout was exceptionally high! Within the walls of our Alma Mater, we had the opportunity to host about 120 participants, representing over 30 universities associated with FTU.

The Forum of Technical Universities provides a unique platform for sharing knowledge gained through experience and serves as an ideal venue for constructive discussions on the everyday challenges faced by students at each university.

The first day of the congress was full of attractions aimed at integrating the participants. Representatives of the iStudies ambassador program prepared training in computer graphics and visual identification for participants. The skills acquired and discussions undertaken during the training will make work in local government much more effective and satisfying.

The participants started the next day by getting to know the tourist charms of the capital of Greater Poland by visiting the Croissant Museum of Poznań, as well as during a city game specially prepared for them, which was based on team competition and performing tasks distributed in the old city in a dedicated application.

The participants of the FTU meeting at the Poznan University of Technology were officially welcomed by prof. Teofil Jesionowski – rector  and prof. Agnieszka Misztal - vice-rector for Student Affairs and Education and Szymon Łakomy - chairman of FTU for the 2024 term. The most important information about the university and a few words about the activities of the Poznan University of Technology Students’ Union was presented by Agata Pera, chairwoman of SSPP. The ceremony was also honoured by the Poligrodzianie Folk Dance Ensemble, which presented a polonaise, oberek and kujawiak to the gathered guests. At the end of the substantive part of the day, a Working Session was held where current issues related to the activities of the Technical Universities Forum were discussed.

The third day was devoted to training. Participants had the opportunity to take advantage of extensive training conducted by professionals and experts from the Forum of Technical Universities and the Students' Parliament of the Republic of Poland. There were three training paths to choose from:

  • Quality of education in higher education
  • Social assistance and the role of local governments in the scholarship process
  • Competencies in effective relationships with others and in relationships with oneself

During this time, the delegates deliberated at the Council of Elders, which was largely devoted to discussion and preparation for the upcoming rector elections. Other topics discussed concerned the availability of internet infrastructure in student dormitories and issues related to fees for printing for students majoring in architecture.

The culmination of the meeting was a ceremonial summary ball during which the organization of the next meeting was symbolically handed over to the Students’ Union of the Lodz University of Technology.


Dawid Gańczak
Students’ Union of the Poznan University of Technology
