Young people’s innovative offer

On May 30, 2023, during the ITM Industry Europe Fair at Poznan International Fair, the 16th Engineering Forum organized by NOT and SIMP was held - 9th Mechanics Day under the slogan " Young people’s innovative offer".

In the technical solutions panel, three scientific clubs from the Poznan University of Technology presented their offer:

  • KN D3DAL represented by Błażej Gabryszewski and Aleksander Wawrzyniak on the topic of 3D technology in the service of medicine, including printing prosthetic hands for children and pre- and intraoperative printouts,
  • The Committee of Public Transport Engineers represented by Jakub Żytkowski and Jacek Dwornik in relation to two projects: PUTrain - an innovative locomotive in the scale of 1:5.5, and PUTcab - a driver's cab simulator,
  • KN PUT Rocketlab represented by Tomasz Krakowski in the field of rocket engines and sounding rockets.

The speeches of scientific clubs were an important voice in the discussion on the role of young scientists in the development of innovative technology and in the support of students and doctoral students by universities.

Congratulations on your scientific achievements and presentations!









