THE INVISIBLE UNVEILED - exhibition 2024

General overview and concept of the project

The exploration of the invisible is a fascinating concept, that has been made possible by incredible advances in science. The invisible refers not only to the microscopic world and phenomena that are too small or too fast for us to see with the naked eye, but also to some parts of the macroscopic world, too far to be observed from our backyard.

The evolution of artistic techniques is aligned with scientific and technological discoveries to create a marriage of love and reason. And reciprocally, creativity and imagination fuel technological progress to push back the limits of detection.

This is fully the aim of “The Invisible Unveiled”, an itinerary exhibition of artistic images arising from research. By this original approach, we want to create an incredibly interesting and engaging experience for viewers across the EUNICE Alliance and beyond. Also, in the framework of the European University Alliance, this exhibition of scientific images is a great opportunity for scientists to showcase their work in an artistic setting, to gain greater exposure and recognition for their work, as well as to potentially inspire new research collaborations.

What kind of photos are we looking for? 

Those that show:
- what is too small; 
- what is too far away; 
- what is hidden; 
- what is abstract; 
- what has disappeared; 
- what cannot be detected;
- what is too big;
- and much more ...


Technical specifications for the images:


Send High resolution images in the following format: JPG, PNG, TIF, SVG

Send highest resolution available (minimum 300 dpi).

All images will be A1 size (594 x 841 mm). It is a postulate to estimate. In reality, some images will be smaller depending on the resolution of the image or the relevance of having large or small prints.

Images generated by AI are welcome as they offer a unique opportunity to question the audience on what art is about and AI’s impact on society


All images must be free of any annotation, scale, or other alphanumeric elements.


Each image must be accompanied by the following information:

  • University Name
  • Author Name
  • Collaborator names (if any)
  • Department name
  • Date at which the image was taken.
  • Publication status (if published, specify journal and publishing house)
  • Description of the image and its research context in 150 words
  • The capture technique 


The images can be submitted by the following profiles at EUNICE member institutions: researchers, teachers, students (B,M,PhD).

The photo exhibition will be held consecutively at all 10 universities in the EUNICE consortium during 2024.


The previous edition of the exhibition, centred around higher education institutions and secondary schools in Belgium, was seen by more than 40,000 people.


Please send your photos by 1.07.2023 to the e-mail address:  

The 10 most interesting works will be selected, from which the partner university - University of Mons, will then select 3-5 photos to be presented in the exhibition.


We warmly invite and encourage you to participate in this interesting and unique event!
