The exhibition of photos from Chernihiv, destroyed by the Russians, entitled "Ukraine Chernihiv - 40 days of blockade and bombing" was opened in the building of the Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of Engineering Management of the Poznan University of Technology. The vast majority of the photos were taken by Nina Ponomarenko, a representative of the Chernihiv region authorities. The title of the message comes from her letter written on March 3, 2022.

“I appeal to you, young people - on behalf of the head of the Chernihiv Regional Military Administration Vyacheslav Chaus - to think about rebuilding my city. In time you will become architects of this wonderful place ”- with these words Nina Ponomarenko addressed the students of the Faculty of Architecture who participated in the photo exhibition. “Today the city is badly damaged: hotels, schools, bakeries, but the fight against the enemy continues. We will not allow the same to happen to Poland and Europe. " Nina Ponomarenko recalled that in 2013 students of the Faculty of Architecture were visiting Chernihiv and were planning to reconstruct one of the plants. “They left written opinions about the city. They emphasized a lack of designed public spaces. And now there will be even more things to design, ”she added. The representative of the authorities of the Chernihiv region said that she believed that Poland would help in the reconstruction of the city, in particular friends from city of Poznan and the Poznan University of Technology.

“Any help is invaluable and needs to be even greater. We will certainly be part of the restoring  Ukraine ”said prof. Teofil Jesionowski. The Rector of the Poznan University of Technology added that this war causes huge losses among young people. “In front of the Kyiv University of Technology, there is a board with the names of the students who died. It is terrifying when I think that these young people have to give their lives for their country, instead of working for Ukraine "- said prof. Teofil Jesionowski.

See the GALLERY.








