The  Conference of Rectors of Polish Technical Universities in this term of office is chaired by prof. Teofil Jesionowski, rector of the Poznan University of Technology. The Poznan University of Life Sciences and the University of Agriculture in Krakow are two new members that were admitted to the Conference of Rectors of Polish Technical Universities.

Relevant resolutions were adopted by KRPTU rectors during the plenary assembly hosted by the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow.

Currently, the Conference consists of 32 universities that educate students in engineering fields. During the assembly, the participants discussed, among other things, the following issues: aid to Ukraine in the field of higher education (scholarships for students, employment of scientists) offered by universities, educational institutions, and companies. One of the topics was also the evaluation of scientific disciplines and their criteria.

On the other hand, the president of the Central Office of Measures introduced the participants to the Świętokrzyski Laboratory Campus, which is built at a cost of almost PLN 190 million, in which small and medium-sized companies, research centers, and scientific units will be supported uniquely in the country.

The measuring stations located there cover the following areas: acoustics, time and frequency, length, mass, and derivative quantities. The advantages of applying for ERC research projects were also discussed, identifying opportunities and challenges for Polish universities.

The next plenary assembly of KRPTU will be held in September in Poznan and will be hosted by the Poznan University of Technology.



















