Specialist and language courses - EUNICE 2023/2024

With the start of the new academic year 2023/2024 at EUNICE European University, we encourage you to take advantage of the educational offerings available.

In this academic year, EUNICE European University is offering specialized courses spanning a wide range of disciplines. 

These multidisciplinary courses provide opportunities to acquire knowledge in modern information technology, explore advancements in healthcare, delve into history, and develop essential soft skills. The unique aspect of these courses lies in their affiliation with ten distinguished European universities, enabling you to tailor your educational pathway according to your interests. Additionally, you'll have the chance to engage with students from our partner institutions.

These courses are conducted in English and are available online in both synchronous and asynchronous formats. Successful completion of these courses can be included in your diploma supplement as an additional academic achievement.

Furthermore, we offer language courses designed for both staff and students across our partner universities. These courses emphasize the values of multilingualism, openness, and multiculturalism by providing opportunities to learn the national languages of EUNICE University partners. We offer up to 12 language courses, including classes in the mother tongue of most EUNICE European University partners such as Spanish, Italian, Finnish, Swedish, German, Polish, and French, all at the basic level. Additionally, specialized English courses are available, including English for specific purposes, English for academic purposes, English for general communication, Tandem courses, and English as a medium of Instruction.

The application deadline for most courses is September 15, 2023.

For more details and the registration form, please visit the EUNICE website: EUNICE Courses 

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at eunice.admissions@put.poznan.pl

