Young researchers from the PUT with city scholarships

Bartosz Ciupek, Grzegorz Miebs and Witold Stachowiak will receive the financial support. The competition received 86 applications, including 68 for a Scholarship and 18 for a Scientific Award. By the decision of the Jury, 12 scholarships for young researchers and one Scientific Award were awarded.

Three people from the Poznan University of Technology received scholarships for young researchers:

  • Bartosz Ciupek for thermal and emission optimization of heating boilers for solid fuels and research on improving air quality.
  • Grzegorz Miebs for research on decision support systems and their implementations.
  • Witold Stachowiak for the overall research work, and in particular for proving that the cation in herbicidal ionic liquids can have a herbicidal effect comparable to commercial preparations and, contrary to previous beliefs, cannot be considered as a biologically inactive substance.

Scholarship holders will receive a one-time payment of PLN 10,000.






