Scientists' Night - crowds of young people, unique atmosphere!

Several thousand young science enthusiasts took part in this year's Scientists' Night. An event important for the popularization of science and the achievements of scientists is organized in the major European academic centres, including Poznan. In our city, the coordinator of the project is Poznan University of Technology. The inauguration of the Scientists' Night 2023 took place at our university!

The Scientists' Night event was inaugurated by the Rector of Poznan University of Technology, Prof. Teofil Jesionowski. The ceremony was attended by officials from other universities and research institutes in Poznan who are partners of the event. The event will feature almost 400 lectures, presentations, and laboratory sessions.

Nowadays, nothing can replace the experience of meeting scientists and participating in experiments, despite the many scientific experiments available to view online. Not only were laboratories popular for preparing perfumes and molecular food, but programming and robotics classes were also in demand. The time between classes for which you had to register in advance was occupied by numerous stands of partner companies, presenting the practical application of science in everyday life.

Scientists' Night is also an opportunity to show the achievements of scientific clubs, and the students of the technical universities have something to be proud of, thus encouraging them to study technical fields.

Scientists and students eagerly shared their knowledge and passion, answering questions and engaging visitors in interactive experiences. The event took place not only in the Lecture Centre but also in faculty buildings. The coordinator of the Scientists' Night in Poznan is the Development Office of the Poznan University of Technology.

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