
Prof. Agnieszka Ławrynowicz was nominated for the Scientist of the Future 2022 award in the category: Research of the Future for the implementation of the project entitled "Development of a Technology based on Artificial Intelligence for inferring SubsTitutable recipe Ingredients".

The mission of the award is to distinguish representatives of the scientific community who strive to use their research in economic practice, for the good of society and the benefit of intelligent development, or who contribute measurably to create favourable conditions for research development.

The idea of the award is to search, discover, appreciate and publish scientific research and its authors who implement promising projects, and their work may result in positive changes for society and the economy in the near or distant future. The organizer takes into account basic research, application research, development work, artistic creation, as well as activities related to creating conditions for research.

It is an image award, which refers to the scientist’s approach to the development and popularization of research or the work of their students. Therefore, the awards are granted to both experienced scientists with recognized achievements and scientists who are at the beginning of their careers. The aim is to strengthen the personal brand and image of the persons behind cutting-edge research and to disseminate and promote the importance of their research and innovative thinking. The winners will be awarded during the "Scientists of the Future 2022" Gala held during the VII Intelligent Development Forum, which will be held on June 6-7, 2022 in Uniejów.

More information about the project can be found at

Detailed information about the award - including the regulation - can be found at
