The Poznan University of Technology as a member of the Polish Metrological Union

The Polish Metrological Union (PMU) launched its activities in Lublin during the National Forum for the Integration of Polish Metrology. Among the core activities of the union are the organization of seminars, symposiums, conferences and congresses. The founders of PMU met today at the Lublin University of Technology. The meeting was attended, among others, by prof. Teofil Jesionowski, the rector of the Poznan University of Technology, a number of representatives of Polish universities, scientific institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Łukasiewicz Research Network.

During the Forum, the integration of the metrological world was discussed, both in the human and apparatus dimension. The concept of the activity of the Polish Metrological Union and the idea of conducting a general metrological inventory was presented. The keynote of the Forum was focused on the phrase “Metrology Quo Vadis ?” A lecture in this field was given by prof. Michał Wieczorowski, Vice-Rector for Development and Cooperation with Business and Industry of the Poznan University of Technology.

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