The Poznan University of Technology and PKN Orlen jointly on educating staff for nuclear energy

“Educating staff in this area is important from the point of view of Poland's interest” - said Daniel Obajtek, president of PKN Orlen, who has met with the authorities of the Poznań University of Technology today.

In his opinion, over the next few years, the Polish energy sector will need thousands of engineers who will create and supervise new power plants but also participate in processes related to broadly understood business. "Undoubtedly, we can start this path from the Poznan University of Technology, which is perfectly prepared for this," added the president of PKN Orlen.

Prof. Teofil Jesionowski, the rector of the Poznan University of Technology, presented the possibilities that the university has at its disposal in terms of staff and laboratory facilities. According to the Rector, the university is ready to undertake projects in the field of nuclear energy, the use of hydrogen, or the entire green energy segment.

"If such a giant as PKN Orlen becomes our partner in educating new staff, we can prepare specialists almost "immediately" - added Prof. Teofil Jesionowski.








