The  Poznan University of Technology is the leader of the 3D world in the Science category

In Warsaw, under the honorary patronage of the Prime Minister, the second 3W Congress was held, dedicated to the innovative use of water, without which there would be no life on Earth, hydrogen, which is the future of energy, and coal in the context of new coal technologies and their potential.

The Poznan University of Technology and Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (the originator of the 3W Idea) signed a preamble regarding the establishment of the ICI 3W Interdisciplinary Innovation Center.

During the 3W Congress, prof. Teofil Jesionowski received the distinction "World Leader 3D in the SCIENCE category" awarded to our university. In addition, during the Congress, the competition for the best bachelor's, master's and engineering theses on the innovative use of hydrogen, coal and water was resolved.

The third place in the category of engineering was granted to Agnieszka Rybarczyk representing the Faculty of Chemical Technology.

Additionally prof. Michał Wieczorowski, Vice-Rector for Development and Cooperation with Business and Industry, prof. Łukasz Klapiszewski - ICI 3W coordinator, prof. Pawel Fuć and prof. Janusz Wojtkowiak participated in the Congress.





