H2POLAND is the first fair in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe entirely devoted to hydrogen technologies. The event will be a platform for the exchange of knowledge during conferences and debates combined with an exhibition of the latest solutions devoted to the low and zero-emission economy.

The event will include a business conference: Hydrogen as an opportunity for SMEs. It is an initiative of the Marshal's Office of the Wielkopolska Region on new services and products based on hydrogen technologies. The aim is to support entrepreneurs in building a network of contacts and transfer knowledge and technology to facilitate decisions on investments in future technologies.

The Poznan University of Technology will participate in this high-ranking event. One of the speakers at the conference will be professor prof. Paweł Fuc from the Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering, who will discuss the use of hydrogen in transport. Prof. Paweł Fuc’s scientific works are published in the most prestigious scientific journals, including in the indexed journal Journal of Electronic Materials (Philadelphia list). His works are repeatedly cited by scientists from renowned research centres and publishing houses, including Elsevier, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and German Aerospace Center. Since 2021, Professor Paweł Fuc has been the coordinator of the use of hydrogen in transport at the Poznan University of Technology.

The organization of the conference "Hydrogen as an opportunity for SMEs" is to foster networking, knowledge and technology transfer, enabling decisions to be made regarding planning the company's development and investing in future technologies, thus building a modern economy around existing companies as well as start-ups.

The H2 Poland conference will be opened by Ursula von de Leyen - President of the European Commission.

Participation is free of charge!

More details here: https://www.h2msp.pl/pl
