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PUT signed an agreement with the Doctrine and Training Centre of the Armed Forces

The Poznan University of Technology signed an agreement with the Doctrine and Training Centre of the Armed Forces.

The parties were represented by prof. Teofil Jesionowski - Rector of the Poznan University of Technology and Col. Dr Andrzej Lis - director of the Doctrine and Training Centre of the Armed Forces.

The guests included: Col. Dr. Robert Reczkowski - deputy director, Lieutenant General Dariusz Łukowski - deputy head of the National Security Bureau, Gen. Jan Dziedzic, Col. Artur Koszarek and Lieutenant Gen. Tadeusz Mikutel.

The Poznan University of Technology was represented by the university authorities, prof. Michał Ciałkowski and the dean of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Energy - prof. Zbigniew Nadolny.

The cooperation is aimed at gaining social acceptance for the state's defence policy, exchanging experiences and undertaking joint activities in the field of scientific research and the teaching process.

Organizing joint conferences, conducting research projects, consultations and expert opinions, as well as implementing internships and internships for students.

“The Poznan University of Technology is our eighth university partner with whom we have established cooperation. They are a reliable and long-standing partner," mentioned the director of the Doctrine and Training Centre of the Armed Forces - Col. Dr. Andrzej Lis.
