The PUT signed an agreement with MC-Bauchemie, a leading manufacturer of construction chemicals

Joint research, use of laboratory and production facilities, commercialization of new solutions, apprenticeships and internships for students - the Poznan University of Technology signed an agreement with MC-Bauchemie, one of the leading manufacturers of products in the field of construction chemicals.

The document was signed by prof. Teofil Jesionowski, Rector of the Poznan University of Technology and Alina Stelmach, member of the management board. The scope of the agreement is extensive and includes, among others, the implementation of diploma theses, participation of company experts in the education process, joint conferences, seminars and training.

“Cooperation with such an experienced partner is of key importance to us. Thanks to the combination of potential: scientific and production, we will be able to create new solutions for the benefit of both parties, the region and Poland,” says prof. Łukasz Klapiszewski, from the Faculty of Chemical Technology.

Apart from prof. Klapiszewski, the contract on the part of PUT will be implemented by: prof. Michał Wieczorowski, Vice-Rector for Development and Cooperation with Business and Industry and prof. Agnieszka Ślosarczyk from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Transport.

MC-Bauchemie provides pioneering solutions in the field of concrete improvement as well as protection and maintenance of building structures, employing over 2,500 employees in more than 40 countries.

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