Children from Ukraine participating in the day camps took part in a physics show prepared by the Faculty of Materials Engineering and Technical Physics.

Everything was possible thanks to, funds raised during the “Polibuda Open Air” Music Festival. From the collected funds, the One University Foundation organized day camps for children from Ukraine who came to Poland after February 24, 2022.

More than 200 children take part in them, including those hosted by employees of the Poznan University of Technoloagy.

On August 24, 2022, children visited our university. With the support of the University Culture Centre, Development Office and Students’ Union, Ms. Dorota Gołębiewska from the Faculty of Materials Engineering and Technical Physics conducted a physics show for a group of Ukrainian children.

Young participants learned, among other things, the principle of Newton's pendulum; bed of nails; they saw what was happening with the balloon under the vacuum cover. The children also found out if it was possible to inflate a balloon placed in a bottle; learned about the operation of magnets and their types; learned what happens when we place an inflated balloon on one nail, and what if the same balloon is placed on many nails (fakir set). The children learned how to play music on glasses.

The Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education, prof. Agnieszka Misztal, accompanied the young guests and handed them the farewell gifts.



