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Polish Universities and Santander Universidades

On November 30, the representatives of Polish universities and Santander Universidades met on the premises of the Poznan University of Technology. The seminar concerned joint projects aimed at sustainable development.

The meeting aimed to develop a common diagnosis and a new model for identifying future competencies ensuring a coordinated process of Poland's socio-economic transformation by 2025 in a way based on ecosystems of cooperation with the public-private sector.

The introduction to the meeting was a presentation by the representative of Santander Universidades - Tycjan Bielecki - Tribe Leader ESG, who outlined the hypotheses of the impact of sustainable development on the Polish economy.

Next, representatives of higher education spoke. The rector of the University spoke about social aspects. Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan – prof. Bogumiła Kaniewska. Technical aspects were presented by the rector of the Poznań University of Technology - prof. Ph.D. engineer Teofil Jesionowski, and economic aspects – prof. Anna Lewandowska – representative of the rector of the Poznan University of Economics for ecology.

Finally, the rector of the University of Economics - prof. Maciej Żukowski spoke about cooperation between Poznan universities and was invited to a discussion aimed at establishing and initiating joint activities for sustainable development.

