Premiere of the Publishing House of PUT

A book by Katarzyna Słuchocka

Form, image, word. Architecture, idea, art.


Professor Katarzyna Slotocka, Faculty of Architecture

One can write and talk endlessly about architecture. Architecture is sometimes the heroine of films, novels, paintings, the background of everyday life, a voice in the silence of the night. It is multi-level in its structure and therefore it provokes perception - rich in sensuality, complementing each other with mutually perceived images of forms and a complimentary word. With its presence and inevitable duration, it intrigues, provokes, inspires ...

The work is an attempt to look individually at both the architecture and space, which is a set of emotions, intricate composition composed of ideas, reflection, dreams, but also precise calculations; a space that guarantees safety, but is also full of secrets, sometimes awe-inspiring, and sometimes arousing fear. It is an attempt to recognize the zones of one's own time, places of private accessibility, communicational destinies, events stacking up behind closed doors, in order to learn assess and name what has been or still is unrecognized. The space and the city are filled with architecture, waking up every day with new plans for the future and falling asleep with a sense of immortality. It's your puzzle too.

A puzzle composed of pictures, words and forms ...

Feel invited to contemplate.



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