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Representatives of the Chinese university NUAA visit the PUT

On November 30, we hosted representatives of the Chinese university Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics - NUAA.

The Poznan University of Technology was represented by: Rector Teofil Jesionowski together with Vice-Rector for International Relations Paweł Śniatała, Tomasz Łodygowski, Head of the Aviation Department, Agnieszka Stachowiak, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Management, Marcin Butlewski, Vice-Dean for international cooperation and business environment, Rafał Mierzwiak, Head of the Laboratory of quantitative methods and grey systems "greylab", Agnieszka Kujawińska from the Department of Production Engineering.

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics – NUAA was represented by: Prof. HANG Yuxin, Deputy Director of the University Board, together with other members of the delegation: prof. SU Zhou, Director of College Board of Economics and Management, prof. SHEN Jianxin, Deputy Director of Science and Technology Department, prof. WANG Ying, Vice Dean of Graduate School, Ms. SHAN Jing, Section Chief of International Cooperation Office.

After presenting both universities and outlining common areas for cooperation, both in terms of student exchange opportunities and expanding activities in the scientific field, the global strategic partnership agreement between PUT and NUAA was officially signed.

In the second part of the meeting, representatives from NUAA were invited to visit the flight simulator laboratory under the supervision and guidance of prof. Tomasz Łodygowski, and then to participate in a seminar covering aviation and management engineering.

During the seminar, the following scientific groups also presented themselves: AKL Aero Design, KN Logistyka, PUTRocketlab.

It is worth emphasizing that during the discussion, the Chinese partner declared interest in the fields of chemical technology, IT, renewable energy, electronics and telecommunications.

The meeting was finished with a discussion on the opportunities of implementing joint projects, as well as a concise summary of almost 10 years of cooperation between PUT and NUAA.

We do hope that the visit of the Chinese delegation and the agreement will lead to the intensification of previously established contacts as well as comprehensive cooperation.

