On June 26-28, 2023, a meeting of the Rectors of Poznan universities with the Rectors and staff involved in higher education and research in Bavaria was held. It was the second meeting. The first one was held in July 2022 in Bavaria.

20 representatives from 6 Bavarian universities, 6 Bavarian universities of applied sciences and 1 Bavarian university of arts attended meetings on behalf of Bavaria. Rectors and representatives of these universities participated in sessions devoted to:

  • the higher education system and the changes taking place in it – UAM
  • exchange of experiences in doctoral schools – PUE
  • development of artificial intelligence - PUT

The first meeting within the walls of our university took place on June 27. The AI session was attended by the Rector and Vice-Rectors, as well as the Dean of the Faculty of Computing and Telecommunications.

The invited guests could visit the zero-energy WAiWIZ building, where they were shown around by the chief designer, prof. Sławomir Rosolski.
The next item on the agenda was a demonstration of an autonomous vehicle - a golf cart by the project manager, prof. Piotr Skrzypczyński. The meeting ended with a visit to the laboratories of the Faculty of Chemical Technology, where the invited guests were shown around by prof. Filip Ciesielczyk.

The second-day meetings were held at Kakolewo Campus. The guests got acquainted with the projects implemented on campus in the field of highly specialized technologies, matter related to space, and artificial intelligence that processes medical data or enables climate change monitoring.
The culminating point of the meeting at the airport in Kakolewo was air shows and unforgettable flights by planes and gliders.
CYBRAir and AKL Aero Design showcased their accomplishments and projects to the guests.
The visit of the Bavarian delegation strengthened ties between universities. We are optimistic that this marks the beginning of successful collaborative projects in the near future.

A photo gallery from the event can be viewed HERE

