Rok 2023 – czas na podsumowanie!

It was an extremely intense year...

Academic accolades, achievements by students, doctoral candidates, and staff, ratified agreements, fresh investments, high standings in rankings, and memorable university-hosted events that will endure in our recollections...

We welcome you to join us in recapping the year we shared...

Due to the vast array of events occurring in 2023, it's impractical to cover them all in this summary. With the multitude of individuals involved, there is a possibility that someone may have been inadvertently omitted. We appreciate your understanding



Candidates' interest in our university is evidenced by crowds of high school graduates visiting the university during Educational Fairs, Open Days, High School Graduate Event, as well as meetings organised by departments.

Recruitment for full-time first-cycle studies involves applications from 6,633 candidates who chose 24,424 fields of study in the first round of recruitment.
The number of places was 4,025, which is an average of 1.7 candidates per place, and taking into account all selected preferences, 6.1 candidates per place.

The most popular fields of study in 2023:

  • Artificial Intelligence – 17,3 persons per place
  • Architecture – 13,8 persons per place
  • Engineering Management – 13,1 persons per place
  • Automatic Control and Robotics – 11,2 persons per place
  • Logistics – 10,6 persons per place

In October 2023, the admission results for studies in the 2023/24 academic year were published on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science.
Among the universities most frequently chosen by candidates, Poznan University of Technology took the honourable SECOND place!

The Poznan University of Technology is the only university in Poland that is the leader of the European University - a consortium of 10 European universities. This year, we obtained funding from the European Union for the next 4 years of the consortium's activities, which expands the offer of our university.


After considering appeals regarding the evaluation of scientific activities in the years 2017-2021, the Poznan University of Technology, obtaining two A+ and seven A categories, was in second place, right after Wrocław University of Science and Technology.



In the Webometrics ranking, in the national classification, out of 386 universities in Poland, Poznan University of Technology was classified in 7th place, achieving 3rd place among technical universities.

In the international ranking QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023, in the Materials Sciences category, in which 8 Polish universities were classified, Poznan University of Technology was ranked 401-420, while in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering category it was ranked 451-500 (the classification included 6 Polish universities).

In the ranking published by The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR 2023), Poznan University of Technology was among 7.4% of the best universities and scientific institutions in the world.

In July, Poznań University of Technology was among 22 Polish universities classified in the ranking of the best universities in the world - QS World University Rankings! It took 5th place in the category of Polish technical universities!

In this year's edition of the international Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024 (THE WUR 2024), Poznan University of Technology achieved the highest result in the Industry category: 10th place in the national ranking.

According to the list prepared by Stanford University (in cooperation with Elsevier), 47 scientists from the Poznań University of Technology are among the most highly cited researchers in the world.

In December, we could enjoy an increase in the number of citations - in the list of included scientists in the "TOP 2% in 2022" for Polish technical universities, Poznan University of Technology was in second place (Academic Forum).

In the AD Scientific Index – World University/Institution Rankings 2024 ranking, Poznan University of Technology took 6th place among Polish universities, including 3rd place in the category of Polish technical universities.

The following employees of the Poznan University of Technology were among the top hundred of the best scientists in Poland: prof. Słowiński (20th place), prof. François Béguin (24th place), prof. Elżbieta Frąckowiak (41st place), prof. Teofil Jesionowski (place 54). The distinguished scientists were also classified in the AD Scientific Index TOP 3% of the best scientists in the world.

Doctor Honoris Causa


In May, the Poznan University of Technology honoured Professor Sundararaja S. Iyengar from Florida International University as Doctor Honoris Causa.

In October, the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Krakow University of Technology was awarded to prof. Wojciech Bonenberg from the Faculty of Architecture of the Poznan University of Technology.



The Rector of the Poznan University of Technology was also awarded the Scientific Prize of the Wielkopolska Self-Government. The award is given annually for achievements over the past five years to individuals from the scientific community associated with the Wielkopolska Region or conducting research in this region. In the competition "Pearls of Science" organized by the Ministry of Education and Science, three young researchers from the Faculty of Materials Engineering and Technical Physics received funding: Agnieszka Lester MSc, Dominik Florjan MSc, Aleksandra Zaryczniak MSc.

The City of Poznan Scholarships for young researchers were awarded to: Bartosz Ciupek PhD from the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Energy, Grzegorz Miebs MSc from the Faculty of Computing and Telecommunications, and Witold Stachowiak MSc – Doctoral School (chemical sciences).
The award of the Polish Academy of Sciences in this year's competition for the best research paper published in 2022, of which the leading author is a PhD student in the technical sciences category, was awarded to Maria Kuznowicz, MSc. from the Faculty of Chemical Technology.

The invention of a team of scientists from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering led by prof. Filip Górski, (a modular hand prosthesis designed for disabled children to work with the handlebars of a bicycle or scooter) won the ”EUREKA! GPD – we discover Polish inventions”.

The group of recipients of the prestigious IFORS Fellow distinction included professors from the Poznan University of Technology – prof. Roman Słowiński and prof. Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber.

Prof. Jacek Błażewicz was nominated a member of Academia Europaea - a prestigious European scientific organization established in 1988 on the initiative of The Royal Society of London.

During the 1st Conference of European Universities in Warsaw, the Poznan University of Technology was a winner in the "European Universities" competition.
NCBiR granted funding for the project conducted in cooperation with the Czech University of Technology in Prague. The project manager is prof. Tomasz Jankowiak.

The winners of the MINIATURA 7 competition were: prof. Danuta Matykiewicz from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Zuzanna Sydow, PhD. from the Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering, Krzysztof Nowacki, PhD. and Tomasz Rzemienicki, PhD from the Faculty of Chemical Technology.

The winner of the MINIATURA NCN competition was Katarzyna Peta, PhD from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

The winners of the PRELUDIUM 22 competition included 7 researchers from the Poznan University of Technology:. Natalia Burlaga - Faculty of Chemical Technology, Oliwia Degórska - Faculty of Chemical Technology, Emilia Krok - Faculty of Materials Engineering and Technical Physics, Witold Stachowiak - Faculty of Chemical Technology, Sylwester Swat - Faculty of Computing and Telecommunications, Wojciech Szymkuć - Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering, Alireza Tabrizikahou - Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering.

As part of the LIDER program, the ranking list of projects qualified for financing included the project of Michał Nowicki, PhD from the Faculty of Automation, Robotics and Electrical Engineering - "HybriSense: Multi-sensory Machine Learning in the Perception of AGV Robots in Indoor and Outdoor Environments"
Employees of the Poznan University of Technology joined as many as fourteen Scientific Committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences, starting their term in 2024.

Prof. Maciej Jan Kupczyk from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was elected vice-president of the Poznan Society of Friends of Sciences.
Representatives of the Poznan University of Technology were among the outstanding young scientists awarded by the Minister of Education and Science. PUT Rocketlab was awarded in the "Scientific Clubs" category, the team won first place in the most demanding 30k SRAD Hybrid/Liquid category at the Spaceport America Cup competition in New Mexico, USA. In the "Projects" category, the team awarded composed of prof. Jacek Andrzejewski (Poznan University of Technology - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering), Ph.D. Eng. Małgorzata Muzalewska (Silesian University of Technology), Ph.D. Monika Dobrzyńska-Mizera (Poznan University of Technology - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering), Monika Knitter, PhD. (Poznan University of Technology - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering), Marek Wyleżoł, PhD (Silesian University of Technology), Marcin Wątrobiński (Syntplant sp. z o. o. Poznań).

Among those awarded by the Prime Minister in the category of outstanding doctoral dissertation for 2022 were employees of the Poznan University of Technology - Anna DUBER, PhD from the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Energy and Adam PATALAS, PhD from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

In September, during PCM-CMM-2023, doctoral students of the Poznan University of Technology were awarded Jan Szmelter award for the best paper presented by a young scientist. Our students and graduates were also among those awarded the Marshal's Scholarship for outstanding students. The winners and finalists of national and international competitions are awarded.

Aleksander Hejna, PhD from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Poznan University of Technology received the scientific award of the Faculty IV of Technical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 2023 for a series of 12 works and 1 national patent regarding the thermomechanical and chemical modification of lignocellulosic fillers and their use in polymer composites.

At the end of the year, the winners of the next edition of the "Santander Award for students and PhD students of the Poznan University of Technology" program were selected. The results were announced and 50 winners were identified, who received financial prizes of PLN 1,000.00.

Professorial nominations
By decision of the President of the Republic of Poland, professor nominations were given to: prof. Katarzyna SŁUCHOCKA, prof. Dariusz HORLA, prof. Przemysław Herman and prof. Piotr Lijewski.



Scientific organizations

During the SAE Aero Design Mexico 2023 competition (international academic competition), the Poznan University of Technology team won the general regular classification, also winning the following awards: 3rd place in the classification of technical presentations, 1st place in the classification of flying competitions.

Financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science was provided to five scientific clubs - PUT Motorsport, PUT Solar Dynamics, CybAiR, Scientific Circle of Public Transport Engineers, PUT Rocketlab - 8 projects with a total budget of PLN 416,148.00.

In the 9th edition of the Student Construction Competition, two teams from our university were awarded - PUT Rocketlab and students from the Public Transport Scientific Club.

During the largest conference taking place in London, the International Conference on Robotics and Automation, the 11th edition of the International Formula 1/10 competition was organized. 22 teams from Europe, Asia and North America qualified for the finals - the team led by Krzysztof Walas, PhD took third place.

Students from the Scientific Club of Public Transport Engineers with the PUTrain project won 12 international Railway Challenge competitions and obtained the title of Grand Champion. The final of the competition took place on June 23-25 at the Stapleford Miniature Railway track.

The PUT Rocketlab team in the international rocket engineering competition - Spaceport America Cup 2023 took 1st place in the 30k SRAD Hybrid/Liquid category and 8th place in the general classification.

During the largest stationary hackathon in Europe, known as HackYeah 2023 (Tauron Arena -Kraków), students of the PUTrequest and AKAI science clubs won in the "Health and Well-being" category, taking 1st place out of 37 teams and receiving the main prize of PLN 10,000.

Individual successes

At the turn of August and September, the European competition championship, EuroSkills 2023, was held at AmberExpo in Gdańsk - based on expert assessment, the winner in the Electronics Prototyping competition was a student of the Faculty of Automation, Robotics and Electrical Engineering - Jan Firlej.

During the first conference in the history of Saudi Arabia devoted to nuclear energy - Saudi International Conference On Nuclear Power Engineering (SCOPE), a student of Electrical Power Engineering, Rafał Stoga was awarded second place in the competition for the best students in the field of scientific research.

Sports successes

The Poznan University of Technology took first place in the general classification in the Academic Championships of Poznan and Greater Poland in the 2022/23 academic year and 14th place in the General Classification of Polish Academic Championships in the 2022/23 academic year (7th place in the classification of Technical Universities).

  • Jan Chojnacki – 3rd place in the Polish U-23 Sumo Championships (April 2023)
  • Julia Sidło 2nd place in the Polish Senior Bowling Championships (May 2023)
  • Michał Kotkowski 2nd place in the Para Athletics World Championships in Paris in the 400m run in the T37 category, (qualified for the Paralympic Games Paris 2024)
  • Tomasz Romanowski – 3rd place in the Windsurfing Foil World Championships (June 2023, Torbol, Italy)
  • Adrian Wojtkowiak (AZS AWF Poznan club) 5th place in the European Games in team foil
  • Natalia Nowaczyk in the +63 to 70 kg category - 5th place and Nikodem Kubiak in the +90 to 100 kg category - 7th place in the European Academic Judo Championships EUSA Combat Championships 2023 (July 2023, Zagreb, Croatia)
  • Nawrocki Marcin – 8th place in the Youth Canoeing World Championships in K-4 500m – (Montemor-o-Velho, July 2023) and participation in the Youth World Championships K-2 500m (Auronzo, July 2023)
  • Maria Niklaus – 1st place in the Junior World Team Championships in Sports Bridge, 31/07 - 07/08/2023 in Veldhoven, the Netherlands
  • Renata Tomczak and Adrian Wojtkowiak (foil–fencing) - Summer Universiade in Chengdu, China (August 2023)
  • Patryk Wojtalak and Szymon Tomiak 1st place in the European Academic Rowing Championships in the coxless double (September 2023, Bydgoszcz) and 2nd place in the European Youth Rowing Championships in the coxless four (August 2023, Krefeld, Germany)
  • Tymoteusz Juszczak and Oskar Laskowski - 8th place in the European Beach Volleyball Academic Championships (September 2023, Malaga, Spain)
  • 2nd place of the Poznan University of Technology in the mixed volleyball tournament as part of the Alliance Games 2023 (October 2023)
  • E-chess as part of Alliance Games Eunice – Mikołaj Nowak – 1st place
  • Polish Senior Karate Championships (Karpacz)-
    - Wojciech Niedziela – 1st place in individual kata
    - Aleksander Opas – 2nd place in individual kumite
  • National Final of the "First Years" Student Games (Lublin)
    - basketball players 1st place
    - volleyball players second place
  • AZS Polish Integration Championship in table tennis (Gdansk) – 1st place in the team classification

Medalists in the General Classification of the Polish Academic Championships 2022/23

  • Kubicki Jakub – judo in the -60kg category – 2nd place
  • Natalia Nowaczyk – judo in the -78kg category – 3rd place
  • Topór Łukasz – classic powerlifting – 105kg category – 1st place
  • Fiedler Paulina, Jędrzejczak Marta, Kmet Zuzanna, Kosiak Katarzyna – karate – women's team kata – 2nd place
  • Frąszczak Krystian, Orzechowski Błażej, Stachowski Jakub, Ślachciak Jędrzej – karate – men's team kata – 3rd place


Rector of the Poznan University of Technology, prof. Teofil Jesionowski and the Chairman of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, prof. Jacek Jastrzębski, signed an agreement on cooperation on July 18, 2023 between the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and the Poznan University of Technology.

On August 10, 2023 the Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda, prof. Anastase SHYAKA visited the Poznan University of Technology. During the meeting, the most important issues of cooperation were discussed and activities were undertaken to prepare study visits of representatives of the authorities of the Republic of Rwanda and the University.

On September 12, 2023, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Poznan University of Technology and the Civil Aviation Office
A month later, the Poznan University of Technology signed an agreement with the Armed Forces Doctrine and Training Centre. Lt. Gen. Władysław Sikorski.
Enea and the Poznan University of Technology are joining forces and starting cooperation in the area of educating future staff for the energy industry - for this purpose, a letter of intent was signed in October.

The agreement on comprehensive cooperation was also signed with the Institute of Armor and Automotive Technology in Sulejowek near Warsaw and the Air Force Institute of Technology in Warsaw.

In November 2023, during the visit of the Korean delegation from KoreaTech, a cooperation agreement was ceremonially signed. The conclusion of the agreement is the first formal step enabling the implementation of joint activities in the fields of both research and teaching.

On November 30, 2023, the university hosted representatives of the Chinese university - Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics - NUAA. After presenting both universities and outlining common areas for cooperation, both in terms of student exchange opportunities and expanding activities in the scientific field, the global strategic partnership agreement between PP and NUAA was officially signed.

In December 2023, a letter of intent was signed during a meeting at the Ministry of Health on cooperation between the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspectorate and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity.



A ground satellite communication station was launched on the Kakolewo Campus. The station enables communication with satellites circulating in low orbits (LEO), operating in the VHF and UHF amateur bands. Communication is provided by multi-element Yagi-Uda antennas, working with the ICOM IC-9700 radio station and SDR FunCube Dongle and USRP B210 receivers.

A photovoltaic power plant was built at the Kąkolewo airport along with the necessary accompanying infrastructure, a transformer station and an MV line.
On September 28 this year prof. Teofil Jesionowski – the rector of the Poznan University of Technology and Jorge Calabuig Ferre - Vice-President of the Management Board for Production of Mostostal Warszawa S.A. signed a contract for the construction of a new facility - the New Rectorate.

A much smaller, but long-awaited investment was the elevator in the former Construction Building - put into operation in December this year, implemented thanks to the project "Poznan University of Technology - a university open to everyone".

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity and the Interdisciplinary 3W Centre were opened.



In the past year, many sports, cultural and scientific events took place at our university...

Conferences, seminars, workshops, meetings with industry - almost every day one of them was organized and unfortunately it is impossible to list them all.
In the past year, the following events were organized: the January Final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, a meeting of the Rectors of Poznan universities with Rectors and people involved in higher education and research in Bavaria, a meeting of the management board of the EUNICE AISBL organization, of which our university is a signatory, the inaugural concert of the 16th Festival Folk Art.

We were also partners of the "Poznan 2023 World Boccia Challenger" competition organized in the sports facilities of the Poznan University of Technology.
We organized a press briefing during which Grażyna Kulczyk officially handed over Piotr Uklański's work "The Year We Made Contact" to the Poznań University of Technology.

Representatives of Polish universities and Santander Universidades also met within the walls of our university. The meeting was focused on sustainable development.

"The multitude of events indicates a tremendous level of activity within the academic community of the Poznan University of Technology, which bodes well for the New Year 2024."

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