The prize for an innovative design of a bioresorbable bone implant

The cooperation of research group from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Syntplant company resulted in Innowatory Wprost 2021 award in the SCIENCE category

The prize was awarded for an innovative design of a bioresorbable bone implant. Implants are tailor-made and their sizes and shapes are consulted with doctors before the surgery so that they are best suited to the patient's needs.

On behalf of the Poznan University of Technology, a research group from the Division of Plastic Processing is participating in the project. The group is composed of Monika Dobrzyńska-Mizera, PhD.,  Monika Knitter, PhD., and Jacek Andrzejewski, PhD.

The gala broadcasts can be viewed on the website of the event organizer:

In the photo from the left:

  • Marcin Wątrobiński, president of Syntplant,
  • prof. Rafał Wiglusz, Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research, Polish Academy of Sciences,
  • Monika Dobrzyńska-Mizera, PhD. Department of Plastic Processing, Poznan University of Technology,
  • Małgorzata Muzalewska, PhD. Department of Fundamentals of Machine Design, Silesian University of Technology
  • prof. Zbigniew Rybak, Department of Experimental Surgery and Biomaterials Research at the Medical University of Wroclaw
  • prof. Marek Wyleżoł, Department of Fundamentals of Machine Design, Silesian University of Technology.

Innowatory 2021 Wprost is the ceremony during which distinguished companies and individuals who opted for innovative solutions in their business activity, and their decisions and achievements have contributed to the development of the country.
