PUT students and graduates with the Marshal's Scholarship

The ceremonial gala of granting scholarships to outstanding pupils and students took place on December 6, 2022.

Seven students and graduates of the Poznan University of Technology received scholarships in the "Student" presented by Paulina Stochniałek by the Member of the Board of the Wielkopolska Region

First-degree scholarship:

1. Marcin Budka – Faculty of Control, Robotics and Electrical Engineering, the field of study: automation and robotics

2. Mikołaj Pogonowski – Faculty of Control, Robotics and Electrical Engineering, the field of study: automation and robotics

Third-degree research scholarship:

 1. Antoni Grześkowiak – Faculty of Architecture, major in architecture

2. Klaudia Hojka – Faculty of Engineering Management, major in engineering management

3. Marcel Jakubowski – Faculty of Chemical Technology, major: chemical technology

4. Agnieszka Lester – Faculty of Materials Engineering and Technical Physics, major in technical physics

5. Marita Pigłowska – Faculty of Chemical Technology, major: chemical technology

On behalf of the scholarship holders from the Poznan University of Technology, Mikołaj Pogonowski presented the achievements of the PUT Motorsport group.

We congratulate the scholarship holders and wish them further scientific success.

In total, 104 outstanding pupils and students received Marshal's scholarships. The winners are finalists in national and international competitions. Scholarship holders participated in a number of scientific and research projects, seminars and conferences, they are also authors of scientific papers and articles.

More about the gala along with the photo gallery can be found HERE.

