The scholarships of the City of Poznan were awarded for the fourteenth time. They are awarded to laureates and finalists of subject Olympiads who undertook studies at Poznan universities. Among twenty-eight persons awarded this year, three of them started their studies at the Poznan University of Technology.

Franciszek Rydzak, a student of Aviation and astronautics at the Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering, was a finalist of the Geography Olympiad. He graduated from Adam Mickiewicz Secondary School No. 7 in Poznan.

Wojciech Marek Sikora, a finalist of the Olympiad of Knowledge about Poland and the Modern World, is a student of Aviation and Astronautics. He is a graduate of the Secondary School of the Catholic Association of Educators in Poznan.

In turn, Bartosz Wojciechowski studies Mechatronics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. He is a finalist of the Physics Olympiad and a graduate of Adam Mickiewicz Secondary School No. 7 in Poznan.

“We are trying to support the academic dimension of the City. We hope that you will be fond of your choice to study in Poznan so much that you will stay here for longer, ”congratulated young people Grzegorz Ganowicz, chairman of the Poznan City Council. “Thanks to the cooperation with Poznan universities, the capital of Wielkopolska Region is perceived as a city of ambitious, young people with many perspectives. We are counting on the fact that after completing education, you will bind your future with Poznan, ”added Mariusz Wiśniewski, Deputy Mayor of Poznań.

Prof. Agnieszka Misztal, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education of the Poznan University of Technology, participated in the awarding gala “I am glad that the group of students of the Poznańn University of Technology is joined by hardworking, ambitious and persistent young people because these are the fundamental features of the future engineer. Congratulations”.

In the academic year 2021/2022, the City offers scholarships of PLN 1,600 (Olympiad winners) and PLN 1,400 (Olympiad finalists) per month. The scholarships are granted for one academic year, starting from October until June.

Approximately 100.000 students, including more than 6.000 international students study in the capital of the Wielkopolska Region.

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