New agreement signed between technical universities from Poland and Ukraine

Artificial intelligence and digital security - the creation of a university cluster cooperating in these areas is the main goal of the agreement signed between the Conference of Rectors of Polish Technical Universities (KRPUT) and the Association of Rectors of Higher Technical Universities of Ukraine (ARWUTU).

In the face of brutal Russian aggression against Ukraine, both countries faced serious challenges in the area of Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security.

The chairmen of KRPUT and ARWUTU unanimously emphasize that the development of research in these areas will also be important in the process of post-war innovative transformation of the Ukrainian economy and the development of Polish-Ukrainian cooperation.

In order to meet these challenges, it is necessary to develop close cooperation between universities, especially technical ones, in Poland and Ukraine.

"We will do everything to face the challenges in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security together with our Ukrainian friends, not only because they are currently facing military aggression, but also to use their huge potential and experience" - said prof. Teofil Jesionowski, the Chairman of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Technical Universities.

Prof. Mykhailo Zgurowsky, the Chairman of the Association of Rectors of Higher Technical Universities of Ukraine, emphasizes the importance of strengthening cooperation. “It is no secret to anyone that we have had excellent relations with Polish technical universities for years. Thanks to it, we are taking another step forward in the area of virtual reality. We define social needs, prepare solutions and submit them for implementation to create a better, safer world,” added prof. Zgurowski.

KRPUT is a voluntary association of thirty-three universities offering engineering programs.

In total, over 300,000 students and almost 8,000 doctoral students study at the universities associated with KRPUT, and almost 28,000 academic teachers are employed. ARWUTU was established in June 1999 and associates more than 50 technical universities and academies from all regions of Ukraine.








