EUNICE students can apply for CLab entrepreneurship workshops

EUNICE European University opened registrations for its new training programme in entrepreneurship, sustainability, innovation and making: the EUNICE CLab. This series of ten online workshops that will take place from 10th March to 26th May 2023 will address interdisciplinarity and new models of learning, to reduce the gap between academia and innovation: the organisation will group participants into transnational teams to work together on the development of an entrepreneurial idea, with the support of specialised mentors from academia and industry.

A jury will evaluate the entrepreneurial projects in a presentation session on 26th May. The teams with the best ideas will be eligible to participate in a face-to-face summer school at the University of Catania (Italy) from 10th to 14th July.

These workshops are open to Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD students, who won’t need to have a previous business idea. The application period ends on 28th February.

CLab, an acronym for Contamination Lab, presents the term “contamination” as an idea of permeability both interdisciplinary and between academia and industry. So, CLabs are places for “contamination”, or pemeability, between university students (and others) from different disciplines that expose participants to stimulating and multidisciplinary environments, designed also to encourage entrepreneurial approaches.

International and interdisciplinary teams

Since the teams will be composed of students from a variety of study fields and from different EUNICE universities, these workshops will allow students to improve their competences and skills, as well as to experience teamwork in an interdisciplinary and multicultural environment.

EUNICE CLab aims to bring together the talents of university students in the alliance. Thus, this initiative is for participants to face the challenge of generating ideas in a practical way and developing them into feasible entrepreneurial projects, which could eventually turn into real proposals as the launch of spin-offs and start-ups or the granting of licenses and patents, among other possibilities.

The full programme is available here.

Two informative open days, promoting the workshops, are planned

10.02.2023  at 3.00 AM

17.02.2023 at 9.00 AM


