Wojciech Weiss as the official patron of the sports hall of the university Sports Center

The ceremony was attended by family and prof. Teofil Jesionowski, Rector of the Poznań University of Technology as well as sports activists and former university employees. Wojciech Weiss was an athlete, coach and activist of AZS Poznan. He organized countless sporting events. He was the head of the WFiS Study, then he became the director of the Sports Center of the Poznań University of Technology. He was also the honorary member of AZS.

A new, functional sports facility at the Poznań University of Technology was one of his dreams. It was on his initiative that on January 8, 2010, a meeting of the initiative group was held, including: Mirosław Drozdowski, Marek Idzior, Tomasz Łodygowski, Andrzej Olszanowski, Janusz Wojtkowiak and Jan Żurek. The group asked the authorities of the University of Technology to consider the construction of a modern sports facility. Four years later, the official opening of the modern Sports Center of the Poznań University of Technology took place. Wojciech Weiss was for many a friend, for many a master and a teacher. Everyone will remember him as a hardworking and unique person.

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rektor PP

prof. Łodygowski

Szponder AZS


robert Rejewski

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w tekście wykorzystano fragmenty książki Jerzego Filipiaka "Znane twarze, co je łączy?"
