Dear PUT Community!

To celebrate its 70th anniversary, the Centre of Languages and Communication invites all PUT students and academics to an open lecture by Agata Janicka, M.A., “Language matters: on inclusive language and language awareness”.

The aim of the lecture is to familiarize the participants with the notion of language awareness in their university community.
Language awareness focuses on improving the language and cultural competences in the didactic and educational contexts as well as in everyday communication context, e.g. conversations between students.

From the perspective on language as a dynamic social act and not simply as an arbitrary system of exchange of communicates, the awareness of the fact that language can be either a tool of exclusion and hostility, or an act of inclusion and acceptance, is very important. Taking into account the ever-changing social reality and increasing intercultural exchange, creating a safe space for students both physically and identity-wise, should be a priority. Language is exactly that factor in establishing one’s identity and creating a sense of belonging (or non-belonging) to a given community.

In her lecture, using a few chosen real life situations as small case study analyses, Ms Janicka will describe and unpack the issue of lack of language awareness or inadequate awareness and confidence in one’s competences in shaping one’s attitudes and language tools which help to create a more inclusive and equal space in the university community.

The lecture will take place on Wednesday, March 29, 5pm room 11 of the PUT Lecture Centre.
