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Victory of students of the Poznan University of Technology in HackYeah 2023

On September 30 and October 1, 2023, the largest stationary hackathon in Europe, known as HackYeah 2023, took place at the Tauron Arena in Krakow. Event participants aimed to design and create an application on a specific topic in just 24 hours. Nearly 3,000 people took part in the event, competing in 19 categories. 💻

A group of students from the Poznan University of Technology won first place and received a prize of PLN 10,000 in the "Health and Well-being" category among 37 teams. 🏆

"mDawka" is an app created by a team called "Duża Dawka Development" to help patients dose medications. It automatically creates reminders in the calendar using e-prescription data. The patient provides the PESEL number and code or scans the barcode from the prescription, and the system generates a drug dosage plan that can be easily added to any calendar. 💊

The Duża Dawka Development team consists of third-year Computer Science students from two scientific clubs:

• Adam Piaseczny (PUTrequest_)

• Maciej Kaszkowiak (AKAI)

• Mateusz Karłowski (AKAI)

• Tymoteusz Jagieła (AKAI)

• Szymon Pasieczny (AKAI)

This achievement is the result of the continuous effort, commitment, and skill of the team. The "mDawka" project was appreciated by the jury for its simplicity, modularity and scalability, and for its significant contribution to ensuring the security of user data. We congratulate the team on their outstanding success at HackYeah 2023! 🏆🚀👏


• Mentor's report describing the winning project: https://orocz.com/hackyeah-2023-hackaton/

• Application demo: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NWWA5lCHS-A?feature=share

• Source code: https://github.com/TypicalAM/mDawka

Report from the team's perspective HERE

Prepared by: Michał Zieliński
