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Scholarship holder of the 24th edition of the L'Oreal-UNESCO for Women and Science

The 24th edition of the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women and Science programme was held on 20 November. 

The aim of the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women and Science programme is to promote the scientific achievements of talented female researchers, encourage them to continue work aimed at developing science and provide them with financial support in the form of a scholarship.


This year, awards were given to six outstanding Polish female researchers who prove that the world needs science and science needs women who make ground-breaking discoveries.


Among the outstanding group of scholarship holders was Hanna Orlikowska-Rzeźnik from the Faculty of Materials Science and Technical Physics at the Poznan University of Technology. She conducts research on the role of cholesterol and lipid rafts in the process of membrane fusion.

The researcher's scientific achievements resulted in her being awarded a scholarship in the doctoral category.

The event was graced by a debate on diversity and equality in science, in which representatives of partner organisations participated: the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Polish National Commission for UNESCO, the Polish Academy of Sciences and the UN Global Compact Network Poland.

More information here LINK
