Poligrodzianie Folk Dance Ensemble

In its 40 years history the ensemble visited 58 countries, performed for the Pope John Paul II, it was invited by Presidents and Ministers of many countries, including Malta, Israel, Malaysia, China, South Korea, Ireland and Mexico, performed for New York City Mayor and the King of Kota Kinabalu region. It presented Polish culture to inmates of a prison in USA, performed in Mongolian steppe, in the mountains of Nepal, Chile and Mexico, often not only as the first Polish artists but the first Poles in those regions. The ensemble participated in programmes of state television channels of Sweden, Italy, Canada, Mexico, China and Serbia. Poligrodzianie won a number of prizes in Poland and abroad, including the first prize of the jury in Malaysia and the first prize at Theatre Olympics in India in the Folk category. They were honoured with the title "Ambassador of Polish Culture" by the Minister of Culture, awarded with a diploma for merit by Wielkopolska Voivodship Marshall and, as the first and only organisational unit of the University, received a medal "Merit for Poznan University of Technology". In 2013 the ensemble received an award from the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. The concert devoted to the ensemble's 40th jubilee took place in the production hall of "H. Cegielski – Rail Vehicles Factory Ltd" on 5 October 2013. Poligrodzianie received "The Best Creative and Artistic Folk Art Performance in Europe 2013" Award of European Folk Culture Organisation. In 2014 the ensemble became "the Ambassador of Wielkopolska Culture".



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