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We kindly invite you to participate in a poster contest „Show your PhD” aimed at PhD students and researchers from Eunice institutions. The contest is organized by Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (France) and University of Mons (Belgium). The main goal of the event is to trigger collaboration and exchange your experience. It is a splendid way to present the outcome of your work in an artistic manner!


- register and send a digital version of your poster (.pdf) by 20 February, 2024 to mdc@umons.ac.be

- the main event will take place on 26 March, 2024, Mons, Belgium

- each poster presented will be entered in the poster competition and awarded with a prize (thematic prizes and general prize for best poster)

- participants can include a QR code to an audio or video file on their poster to accompany their contribution (between 30 seconds and 5 minutes)

For more information about the event, please visit: https://eunice-university.eu/open-call-show-your-phd/ 

Any questions? marine.valverde@umons.ac.be or aurelie.vachaudez@umons.ac.be 
