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Sports Centre

Sports Centre of Poznan University of Technology was set up in 1951 and at the same time, the University’s Academic Sport Union (AZS) club was formed. All teachers of the Sports Centre hold professional qualifications of trainers and sport instructors, which allows them to conduct classes and sports sections at a high professional level.

From the very beginning, classes have followed the model of athletes training; students are divided into groups according to their preferences in sport disciplines. This model of classes is still used today, so students can select and practise their favourite sports. Another type of activity carried out by the Sports Centre is rehabilitation programmes for students absolved from physical education classes on medical grounds.

In October 2015, a new sports hall of Poznan University of Technology was opened. The specially designed structure contains areas for the following sport disciplines: handball, futsal, basketball, volleyball, korfball, badminton, floorball, tennis. Besides, there are the first aid room and physiotherapy / doping control area, rooms for aerobics and fitness, rowing ergometers, martial arts (judo, taekwondo, aikido), as well as a gym and other facilities. The Hall is equipped with mobile grandstands capable to provide almost 600 seats.



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