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Centre of Languages and Communication

The Centre of Languages and Communication (CLC) is an inter-faculty unit of Poznan University of Technology which cooperates with its faculties, teaching and promoting learning foreign languages among students of all cycles of education.

The Centre’s objective is to support the University in achievement of its strategic goals, such as internationalisation of studies, education and preparation of students for their future life and career in the information society, further development of the University’s image of a friendly and open to its environment institution. The Centre carries out its activities in accordance with provisions of Common European Framework Reference (CEFR).

In the era of European integration, effective teaching of foreign languages is one of the main priorities of the Council of Europe in education. This is why the continuous development of linguistic competences of students is so important.

PUT’s Centre of Languages and Communication uses modern teaching theories and methods to create its programmes of language courses, to handpick or develop the most suitable educational tools, its teachers conduct classes, which are then evaluated in accordance to set procedures. CLC offers to its learners, both students and PUT’s employees, a professional and effective assistance of experienced staff in improvement of their language skills. Language proficiency certificates issued by the Centre contribute to the development of intercultural communication and mobility in higher education, academic community and on international labour market. Specifically tailored language courses for employees focus on their particular needs and aim at improvement of individual level of language skills, to facilitate communication within international academic community for PUT’s staff - both academics and other employees. The Centre maintains numerous contacts with the world of business, government structures and private individuals, thereby contributing to the further development of multilingualism in society. For many years PUT’s Centre of Languages and Communication has been working at improvement of various aspects of international cooperation – its staff often participate in international language projects, trainings, both in Poland and abroad, in teaching languages and intercultural communication. The Centre organises and participates in numerous conferences.


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